Developing a sound social media strategy should be the first thing that you do before jumping into the world of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. However, many organizations race to setting up profiles and get straight to posting.

A simple social media strategy can be brief and can often times be accomplished in a couple of pages. It is a way for business owners, marketing managers and social media specialists to create goals and develop a plan based off of them.

Here are 7 secrets to creating a social media strategy that works:

1. Know the Product/Service you are Marketing
Although this may seem obvious, know your product/service inside and out. Understanding what you are trying to sell is key in order to position it properly on social media.

2. Know exactly who the Target Market is
Who is your Target Market? Where do they hang out online? What platforms do they use? You are not always the target market, and that’s okay. You must do your homework in order to get in the minds and the hearts of your consumers. The more you know about your target market, the better you can plan a social media strategy to reach them.

3. Choose the Proper Platforms
Don’t assume that Facebook is always the answer. Selecting the right social media platforms is a must in order to create a successful social media strategy. Find out what platforms your target market is using most, how much time they spend on each platform, and how they interact on each platform.

4. Set Goals
What do you want to achieve through your social media efforts? Do you want to raise awareness? Sell products? Increase consumer engagement? Setting goals is the cornerstone of social media strategy. It gives you something to measure against and oftentimes goals help steer you in the right direction.

5. Create Relevant and Meaningful Content
Posting just to post isn’t effective. There must be a method to the madness. Understanding your target market and how your product/service plays a part in their life is very important. From there, think about other things that truly matter to them that are in your realm. There are always industry related topics and articles that can be shared and talked about.

6. Consistency is Key
Consistency in the amount you post, in the voice of the brand, and in the look and feel of the creative is key. Perception is reality. If you create a consistent social media strategy that people can resonate with, you will be successful.

7. Engage. Engage. Engage.
Have you ever commented on a post from one of your favorite brands, and they answer you back or like your comment? How does that make you feel? Heard, important, not just another number… Well guess what, your target market feels the same way. They want to hear from you. If they comment on posts, make sure and like the comment and comment back. Executing proper engagement is key to building lifelong customers.

About Teleos
Based on Teleos’ proprietary T5 Analysis, the Agency guides businesses in how to communicate the benefits of their products and services to the needs of potential customers. Teleos crafts end-to-end marketing solutions that define the brand, resonate with audiences, and creates marketplace momentum. We know that design is more than pretty: it’s how a business works.