Why is inconsistent branding so prevalent in B2B organizations?

 Do you recall the last time a B2B brand really impressed you? It’s not surprising that most people can’t answer that question. Even if you can come up with an example, there is a good chance that you were only slightly impressed or were maybe also let down by the brand in the end. 

The business-to-business world is fragmented, and inconsistency in branding has been a challenge facing B2B brands for decades. It’s easy to jump to conclusions and say “well, it’s just a B2B brand, it’s not like buyers are basing their decision on the brand over the quality of the product or service.’” And perhaps five years ago that would have been true, but let’s face it: B2B buyers have changed, today is there really a difference between your B2B buyer and your average consumer?

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Dare to Succeed in 2019: The Originality Delusion and Other Creative Trends

At a time where marketers are looking ahead to the new year and charting their strategic courses, we’re diving into the most critical trends in B2B marketing, with an eye on boldly rejecting consensus and veering from the norm to align with the next, rather than the now. Which types of content marketing will work in 2019? Which practices will really move the needle?

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The Business Of Branding: What It Takes To Get It Right

At its core, a company’s branding should tell consumers who the company is and what it values. It is imperative that companies create distinct, effective imagery and messaging that is consistent with the brand’s core identity. A consistent look and feel is key to making a brand stick in people’s memories. Over time, consumers will begin to recognize the brand when they see consistency in ads, marketing collateral, websites, social media marketing, vehicle marketing or event marketing. Consumers engage with brands they recognize and trust. A consistent brand identity makes consumers feel that a brand is dependable. They know what to expect from the organization and that makes them feel safe. 

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