What Is Branding?

Unsure about the meaning of “branding”? Don’t worry! Branding is one of those marketing concepts that is a bit vague and can quickly become confusing, even for people who have studied marketing. Today we are going to take a look at “what is branding” and try to provide a clear answer with simple words and examples!

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Brands. So What?

The demise of brands has been greatly exaggerated. One consultancy stated that for consumer packaged goods “brands are dissolving and identities are becoming blurred.” As the Internet enabled people to exchange information directly about products and services, the need for brands was predicted to fade. The Internet exploded with new ways to share information but brands didn’t die; they just kept gaining utility and value. Brands are an essential reference point for our world. They’re not just beer and cars. They’re the markers we use to make sense of life.

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